While there have been no direct announcements as of yet, we have done some poking around, digging through the crates, and sources suggest Apple’s new Spatial Audio and Lossless streaming will indeed be available to indies in the near future. Last time we took a look at which Launchpad models were compatible, the Launchpad X was essentially the top-of-the-line controller for Logic Pro Live Loops. While we know it has partnered with big artists like Ariana Grande, Maroon 5, and Kacey Musgraves, among others, to bring the first 3D and hi-fi audio to its streaming service, what does this mean for the rest of us? After code hinting at the new service surfaced ahead of the official announcement from Apple, followed by, what was for some, confusion over what headphones/audio playback systems can actually support it, we immediately asked ourselves if these hi-fi audio deliverables would be available to indie artists as well. Apple’s recently announced Spatial Audio and Lossless audio formats for Apple Music are set to kick off next month. The ability to store your Dropbox on an external drive The option to sync your Mac Photos, Final Cut Pro or Logic Pro libraries via Dropbox The ability to fully search your Dropbox folder from. Many third party vendors are lagging with their native support for the M1 platform ( and Big Sur ). If you press Tab, your cursor will move to the key commands list and pressing any key combination will instantly take you to the associated command. Many people working with the new M1 macs report great performance with Logic and Final Cut BUT there is one major issue: Compatibility with third party applications. Learn any new key commands lately Your cursor is automatically placed in the search field. We have some new details today on Apple Lossless and Spatial Audio for indie artists. The absolute fastest way to navigate Logic Pro is with key po.